~Revival in my own heart. I'm starting to feel refreshed and renewed, though admittedly not as much as I'd hoped. Could it possibly be that I need to humble myself, as Week #2 suggests? Yes, yes. A thousand times, yes! (Do you know that quote?)
Repent therefore, and turn again, that your sins may be blotted out, that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, and that he may send the Christ appointed for you, Jesus... ~Acts 3:19-20 (ESV)
~God's provision. The answer on this one isn't coming as quickly as I'd like. Every time I think I have the last bit of money, some unexpected need (that can't be ignored or put off) arises and takes it. It's all-out war on the enemy's part. He's using every tactic in his nasty arsenal. But he is DEFEATED! I will NOT give in...and I will trust my Lord.
~Travel safety. Of course, this is constantly in my mind. I'm happy to report our layover in Columbia is less than an hour. Still, I've gotta confess I'm still a bit nervous about the whole thing.
~Child care for CJ. God has worked out the first week, with an unexpected opportunity for her to go to an affordable summer camp with friends. The rest of the time is still up in the air, but not for lack of people who want to help. I just want to make sure she's comfortable and at peace. She's not exactly thrilled about Mom being gone for 11 days.
~Testimony Preparation. God's been giving me bits of a new message. One that will probably translate better (literally and spiritually) than what I'd had in mind. Not how I'd planned it in some ways, yet amazingly so in others.
~Our Team. The enemy's attacking nearly every member of our team. The issues and degrees of seriousness vary, but they are all most certainly his handiwork. I know that God's will is going to prevail, but I'm praying that we are sensitive to what that is, exactly...rather than just assuming we know.
Just 33 days left! God's got a lot to do in that time. I'm so grateful He can.

Thanks for the reminder to keep praying! I am so so so excited to see what God has in store for you in Peru... I can't even imagine. Gonna be praying for you extra in the days to come!
Hang in there! Be strong and very courageous, for the Lord will go before you.
Wow, it won't be long now! So excited for you! Prayers coming your way...
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