Obviously, I adore Guernsey. After all, I've written an initial review, discussion questions, and another review. Seems I wouldn't have any more to say...and yet, somehow, I do. I wanted to answer one of my own questions - Who is your favorite character, and why?
Juliet is my favorite because she's so spunky and witty.
Dawsey is my favorite because he's so quiet, thoughtful, and shy.
Amelia is my favorite because she's such a mother-hen.
Eben is my favorite because he exudes a quiet strength (He is the one character I didn't get to know as well as I would've liked, though.)
Isola is my favorite because she's just so wacky.
If I hadn't returned the book to the library (sniff, sniff), I would give you the quote in Juliet's letter to Sidney that sums up my feelings. I'll just have to paraphrase..."I have fallen in love with two men, Eben & Dawsey. I want Amelia to adopt me, and I want to adopt Isola."
Then there is Elizabeth, who is no longer physically in Guernsey but who's in everyone's heart (even Juliet's). Elizabeth's presence reminded me of our last Bookclub read, Rebecca.
All in all, I was just as sad to leave Guernsey this time as I was the first. This book is definitely going on my Christmas list!
Want to read what others are saying about this fun book? Click on over to 5 Minutes for Books and join in the discussion!

I already look forward to many re-reads. This is one book I'm glad I ran to the bookstore and bought brand new. It's an awesome story and I'm so glad you plugged it and pushed for it!
It was fun to hear who your favorite characters were. Thanks for sharing!
I so want to buy my own copy of this book, too!
I love your reasons for loving each character-- it was simply too hard for me to choose just one, as well. They are so just perfect.
Great review. I had a few favorite characters myself.
I look forward to reading it again myself, but the day I bought it my mother was visiting so of course it had to go with her.
I will definitely pay more attention to Dawsey this time. Kind of like my mother who met my (future) husband before we started dating and then said "I would have paid more attention if I'd known"
You know I love this post! :)
And did I tell you that a blog reader of mine actually lives in Guernsey?! I know!
I love Juliet's description of them all. I had a hard time keeping them all straight at first, but by the end it was easy.
Here's my link since it's been so long since everyone else posted up.
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