I haven't participated in Friday's Fave Five in a while, but there's a lot of goodness to share this week:
1. Friends who pray. It's incredibly encouraging to know we have friends all over the country (virtual and otherwise) praying for our family during this time of transition.
2. Surprise packages in the mail. Carrie sent me a sweet note, inspirational bookmark and John Waller's CD, "While I'm Waiting". The words are ministering to our hearts already. What a blessing! (the link is in my side bar)
3. A trip to the symphony this weekend, for Vivaldi's Four Seasons. I made these plans with a young woman from church quite a while ago. The Lord knew I'd need some beauty right now. His timing is perfect!
4. Falling back. What with turning the clock back Saturday night, breakfast at Church on Sunday morning, and the symphony Sunday afternoon...it's likely that Sunday will be my favorite day of the year!
And saving the best for last...
5. God's grace. I know several of you have left comments that my faith is strong and my testimony is great. Believe me when I say that it's all God. He alone is doing this. R said last night that he feels closer to God than he's ever been, and he really likes it. I feel the same way. There's something so precious about knowing that He's holding us in His hands right now. Something so tender about being completely in His care. We have fleeting moments of doubt and fear, but those are the moments when we cling to Him and rest in His love and peace.
So, what's been your favorite part of the week? Let me know in a comment, and visit Susanne to see what others are celebrating.

Very uplifting! Thanks and have a great weekend!
I'm so glad you joined in again. You always minister with your words. Number 5 was totally what I needed to read this morning.
So glad you had someone bless you with Waller's cd! It is in my car at the moment and I keep listening to "While I'm Waiting" and "The Priestly Blessing". I pray every time I listen to the "Priestly Blessing". We have several families in our church going through trials right now and I pray for them while listening to that song. Now I've added your sweet family during that time.
May the Lord bless and keep your sweet family this weekend and enjoy the Lord's day. Sounds like you have an awesome one planned!
What a great list of favorites!
Yes, friends who pray are definitely blessings! I love getting packages in the mail, too. Glad you reminded me about the time change! I look forward to that extra hour.
God's grace - where would we be without it? Totally lost. Thanks for sharing.
great list and I like your blog. I'm new to it. found you from Susanne.
LOVE vivaldi's 4 Seasons...(i was a piano major/music ed for undergrad)....and I LOVE LOVE LOVE praying friends...they made my list this week too! :)
God bless you this weekend....
This is my first visit to your blog. I really enjoyed your answers and can say I relate with a lot of them - especially God's grace. I'm so thankful for grace.
Fabulous things to be thankful for. Yippee for an hour extra of sleep this weekend!! :0)
So much to be thankful for! Especially praying friends and a closeness with God.
Have a good weekend!
A good Fave list. Hope we don't forget to "fall back" or we'll be early to church. It has happened before.
Amen to God's grace sista.
I don't think I've ever heard John Waller before. I had to go over to Amazon and listen to a sampling of the songs on the CD. Well, now I'm definitely going to be buying it. Thanks so much for introducing me to a new artist.
Just finally caught up on your blog... I have to say that I am just seeing Jesus in your posts even more than ever before... which is amazing!!!!
I feel so blessed to be walking this journey with you. I know I'm lurking in the shadows, but know I'm praying for you, my friend. xoxox
See, if I had read this post earlier I would have figured out that daylight savings time was this weekend. Amazingly I had no idea...
I'm so very glad you are enjoying the CD so much. (It played all day at my house!)
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