It's been nearly two years since I started the quest for peace & simplicity. During that time, I learned so many things. (I think this post sums it up best, but you can click on the labels to read more about that journey). I cut physical, spiritual & temporal clutter. I saw what was important. I (obviously) sought peace & simplicity. I became more frugal. I didn't know what was coming. I just knew God was orchestrating these changes in my life, and I tried to follow Him wholeheartedly.
2009 has been the year of trust & obedience. I watched Him provide as R's job fluctuated. I leaned on Him as He cleared the path to Peru. It was all so real and intimate and beautiful. It was the summit. When I returned home, we started downhill. I went back to grumbling and grousing about things. I got caught up in my wants and visions. I became discontented with my home again. I was seeking to change things, make them better.
We must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it. -Hebrews 2:1 (ESV)
That's exactly what was happening. I drifted. I ran ahead, and stumbled headfirst into the valley. That's when the news of R's pending unemployment hit.
But God... (Aren't those the sweetest words ever?) He has poured out His love, mercy & grace upon me since Thursday. He has sustained me. He's shown Himself to me in dozens of ways already. Some I'll be sharing here in the days and weeks ahead. Some I'll keep tucked inside my heart. One thing's for sure, this time is something I want to take full advantage of. I don't want to miss even one syllable of what He's saying or one glimpse of what He's showing.
To be continued...

I will be looking forward to reading all that God allows you to share about this journey! Precious one, it will be so sweet! Learning to trust and obey Him, to desire Him above all other things has been a ride in my own life, but it has been the ride of my life! Yes, don't miss a thing dear one!
He will be so sweet to you on the other side of this! Continuing to pray for you.
"God is most glorified in me when I am most satisfied in Him." John Piper
Oh how your story correlates with my last 3 years... Although our journeys are different, the lessons we have learned are the most precious lessons we will ever learn. I too have drifted and ran ahead, but isn't it so awesome that we have a loving Savior who gently guides back to His arms? Gives me goosebumps every time!
Thanks for keeping us posted. He is there, all the time. Just keep watching for Him!
"But God"...yes, beautiful words, indeed. So much so I broke out in goosebumps when I read them.
Praying for you, dear friend,
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