~On a Facebook break. I challenged my Sunday School class to give up some form of media for a week. Facebook is my offering.
~Slow in decorating this year. I really want to put the tree up this weekend. I was hoping all the contractors will be out this week, but that's looking doubtful.
~Done with my shopping! Don't hate me. We're only buying for CJ and have scaled back considerably, so it was a fairly simple task this year.
~Looking forward to a December with no holiday stress. Cutting back on the gifts, obligations, and expectations is freeing indeed!
~Christmas music, practically non-stop
~All things peppermint (tea, coffee, candy canes...you get the idea!)
~The young woman CJ is becoming. She recently called me at work to ask if she could start dinner for me. During our greeting time in worship Sunday, she came up to the choir loft to hug me. Oh, she still has her moments of sass and attitude, but she's a gigantic blessing in my life.
~What the Lord wants to do in our family
~How He wants me to serve Him
~How to make my home more inviting, and to be more hospitable
~My place in God's kingdom, at this place and this time
~For peace and confidence
~To be the helper my man needs
~To be the mother my girl needs
~To be the woman everyone else in my life needs
~For courage to make some much-needed changes
What's going on in your house this month? Settle in for a cup of Candy Cane Lane tea, and tell me all about it.

Hey Melissa,
In our home we are doing less and enjoying more! We are not even traveling the 16 hour trip back home for the holidays. Not that I haven't had my sad moments about that, but...we are going to enjoy a "slower" and less stressful Christmas at home.
I'm also focusing on daily Advent readings in my quiet time. I just want to soak up this Christmas season loving my Jesus more.
Good morning, friend!
Been praying for you and your family in the dark and the quiet.
Have you had the Dove dark chocolate peppermint bark? Yummy!
Love your around the house posts!
Oh, and thanks for my surprise that came in the mail this week!
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