~Why do I forget how big & how good God is? Just last week, He provided a gigantic blessing that's putting us in a much better position once R's job ends. Even though I'd been praying for it, He still took me by surprise.
~Why do I whine so much? Between the state of my house (please.don't.ask) and the job situation, I haven't felt much Christmas cheer. The decorating and sappy holiday movies are leaving me empty. Maybe God's trying to tell me something about the true meaning of Christmas.
~Why am I blogging? Haven't quite figured that one out yet.
~Why don't I have more patience? Seems I'm either blowing my top with CJ or R, or praying for God to REVEAL HIS PLAN ALREADY.
~Why can't I be content with the status quo? Haven't figured this one out yet, either.
~A self examination both humble and true must cause us to tremble before the living God. - Walter Wangerin, Jr., "Preparing for Jesus"
~It never was what we could accomplish that established a lasting relationship with God, but what God himself promises to accomplish for us. - Wangerin
~Our tendency to self-sufficiency can only be overcome when our situation is beyond our sufficiency. Only then will we learn experientially the sufficiency of Christ. - Susan Hunt, "Spiritual Mothering"

How is it that we underline the same things in the same books? Kindred spirits indeed...
I love the Wangerin and Hunt quotes!! May I use them?
Blessings to you and your family this Christmas!
Here's a question- Why am I so slow at getting over here to read your blog?
I am excited to hear what God's doing in your life. Expect a phone call this week :)
Pondering many of the same things...
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