~Looking for my blogging mojo. I honestly don't have a clue where it went.
~Coming to terms with the fact that it's okay if I don't ever find my blogging mojo.
~Pondering what encouragement and/or wisdom I can impart here. I will limit my blogging to lessons I'm learning in homemaking and in my walk with Christ. Your thoughts, please?
~Thankful R & CJ enjoy gardening. My sole contribution was selecting the seeds & plants...but I'm guessing I'll be the chief cooker of all those wonderful veggies and herbs.
~Not missing Facebook AT.ALL. Seriously. I admit, I miss Twitter a little bit. I love small, power-packed doses of inspiration.
~Sad that my weekly study with CJ & her friends ended, but looking forward to picking up with a mother/daughter study this summer.
~Loving Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution. It's insightful and a little alarming, and has definitely caused my family to rethink our food consumption. All three of us are glued to the TV for this one.
~Looking for some new Christian music to encourage and inspire. Suggestions?

I am glad to be back in the blogosphere- partly because I'm glad to see you again!!!
My friend Judi made a list of songs that she listens to when she has to wait. thought you might like it, so I emailed you a link.
Hey girl! I am loving the David Crowder band right now!
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