June 11, 2007

Humble Beginnings

Chili is a bit nosy. She wants to know about our blogs. And since I'm a little nosy myself, I thought I'd participate.

  • How did you start blogging? I read Lisa Whelchel's "Coffee Talk" regularly. In one entry, she mentioned her friend Sarah I checked out Sarah's blog and was hooked! I had been writing devotions for a while & emailing them to friends. Blogging seemed to be a much more efficient means of doing that. Then I got into the memes and other fun things. It quickly became an obsession.
  • Did you intend to be a blog w/a following? If so, how did you go about it? I don't have a following. I have no idea how many (more accurately, how few) people read my blog. I got too concerned with stats and turned them off. I don't get many comments. Sometimes that's depressing...but then I remember why I started the blog in the first place. Meeting new friends is the whipped cream on top of the latte'!
  • What do you hope to achieve or accomplish with your blog? Have you been successful? If not, do you have a plan to achieve those goals? I want to have a record of my life at this point in time, and what God's telling me. I'd also like others to be blessed by what they read and draw closer to God. I think I've done the former. I pray He's accomplished the latter.
  • Has the focus of your blog changed since you started blogging? How? The focus changed because I got very caught up in stats, commenters, etc. I'm trying to get back to the original focus (see above)
  • What do you know now that you wish you'd known when you started? That it's very easy to let this become an addition, and that it's not a popularity contest.
  • Do you make money with your blog? No. I just got my first email from a company that wants me to link to it, but I haven't pursued it yet.
  • Does your immediate or extended family know about your blog? If so, do they read it? If not, why? They know. My husband has read some entries, but isn't a regular reader. Some other family members have told me they read it. I don't talk about it often, though.
  • What two pieces of advice would you give to a new blogger?
(A) Set some parameters for your blog writing & reading. What will you write about? What won't you write about? How much time will you spend reading & writing? As Shalee said, time limits are important!

(B) It's tempting to put on a "bloggy face" since most fellow bloggers won't know you, but be yourself.

If you're wondering how other bloggers got there start, click here to read all about it!



Unknown said...

You have great advice. That popularity thing is tough. We are too old for worrying about that!

I don't get by here as often as I would like, but I have enjoyed you stopping by my place. I need to come by more often. Keep it up!

Musings of a Housewife said...

Excellent advice. I have to watch "bloggy face" temptation. I admire so many bloggers and their ability to make ordinary life experiences humorous, and I have to remember to be true to myself. It's easy to get caught up in the "popularity contest" but ultimately this blog is for me and my family.

And the time limits. Well... I'm still working on that! :-)

PEZmama said...

Having read this post, I am now realizing that the information I gave you in response to your question (in my comments) isn't going to be real news to you. My apologies for assuming you did not know as much as you obviously do.

I will be checking back here to look through some other posts. I am intrigued that you write devotions. My kinda woman...

Qtpies7 said...

I got caught up in the popularity thing, too. I wanted it to go well for a little while, but really I just want friends!
I still like the stats, but I'm better about what they mean, and have actually really shown me something important one time!
Nice to meet you!

Deena Peterson said...

**sigh** I used to get comment envy...but 129 comments to read would give me a mondo headache...not that I don't want comments...oh, wait, wait, come back, no, WAIT...sheesh! I still get layout envy...but one day............

Donnetta said...

Probably every blogger can relate to getting caught up in the stats. Unfortunately some stay there and end up feeling defeated or forgetting what prompted them to start in the first place.

Sounds like you have found the balance in this thing! Godd for YOU!

Sandy said...

Melissa, thanks for visiting me! And how fun that I got to read your journey of blogging.
I'm fairly new, but my main goal is to stay within the mission of why I started it. So ... I hope you come back and visit me :)
I love this song, by the way.
For Reluctant Entertainers

Anonymous said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! I wanted to let you know that I left a comment on you April 16 post. (I didn't want you to miss it.)

Laura said...

Love your honesty and integrity here. Good for you in slaying those stat-counting-self-esteem dragons. :)

Have you ever read C. S. Lewis' "The Inner Ring"? It's an essay in The Weight of Glory. I think you'd like it a lot.

Shalee said...

Yeah the bloggy face can come back to bite you...

And I gave up the ghost of trying to be Popular! and Read! and Number 20 on the Statcounter! I like the me that I am and the relationships that are being developed through blogging.

And in answer to your question that you asked long ago: I'm not doing so hot on the memorization. I've got 3... count em -3! down so far... But I'm trying and that has to count for something!