Many, O LORD my God,
are the wonders you have done.
The things you planned for us
no one can recount to you;
were I to speak and tell of them,
they would be too many to declare.
~Psalm 40:5
It's been quite a while since I posted in this category...so I thought I'd give it a whirl.
What a delicious weekend it was! I found myself with almost an entire Saturday to myself! I piddled with cleaning, went out to do a show for my part-time job, got Chinese take-out, and devoured this book. I adore a good read.
Yesterday morning, I made sure I had time to watch this anointed preacher. Boy, can he ever "get his Jesus on"! We went to Sunday School, then I took CJ & a friend of hers to see this game. We had a fantastic time, EXCEPT the drive home was a little treacherous because I was faced with the three things I hate most about driving: traffic, nighttime, and rain. I literally prayed my way through it, and was so grateful that God kept a hedge of protection around our vehicle.
After I got CJ to bed, I had time to watch this before R got home. (He says I assumed he wouldn't watch...but I know I was right).
All in all, it was close to a perfect weekend. But God didn't stop there. He gave me an on-time Word this morning (Psalm 40, 1 Thess. 5, and Romans 12:12). Oh, how I needed to hear it!
R is soon departing for a mission trip to Gulfport, and I've been more than a little concerned about the financial aspect of it. The cost of the trip, and making sure R's tools are in good working order, the unpaid vacation, and a few unexpected bills have made me a little nervous. God reminded me this morning to be patient with Him. As I fell on my knees in praise, I was overcome by how good He is. I knew I could praise Him no matter what my circumstances look like, and that's exactly what I did. Can I just tell you that by lunchtime, He delivered...and I was absolutely the most blown away I have ever been by Him.
I'm not preaching a Name It, Claim It theology. To be honest, He and I didn't discuss the trip this morning. I have never specifically asked Him to provide the resources. I knew, without a doubt, that He called R to go and I figured that if He called, He would walk us through it. That's where I was wrong. I was seeking guidance, not deliverance.
You see, I was expecting Him to guide us through. I've been thinking hard to see just how we could make it work, and I was asking Him to help me find the answer. But I realize that if He had done this any other way, I might have been tempted to think I'd been smart enough to figure it out on my own. Self-confidence is folly that I'm quite prone to indulge in. I'm glad He gave me no choice but to bless His Name on this one!
God is so good...
I am referring your blog to a friend of mine. I think she will enjoy reading your journey with Christ as much as I do. You really are a breath of fresh air.
Thank you for always sharing from your heart in a way that makes others feel so comfortable.
Keep it up, sister!
Glad you had a wonderful weekend.
Thank you for the scripture this morning, I needed it too! (SMILES!) Blessings to you!
Yay for a blissful weekend! Thanks for sharing that. I am in a similar position right now so I appreciate your testimony on this!
awesome blog, melissa! thanks for stopping by and I would love to meet you at an event someday!
I LOVE Nicholas Sparks and that book was my particular favorite. I buy his books the day they come out and read them in a day. Love them!
You are so sweet. Thank you for sharing your walk with the Lord with me :)
What a wonderful gift of time you were given. I am not jealous..really I am not. :)
"self-confidence is folly" oh, how I need to keep that before me right now.
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