January 8, 2009

Things I've Been Doing Instead of Blogging

~Celebrating the holidays with family and friends
~Helping a family member who's in a tough spot
~Enjoying a stay with out-of-town friends
~Reading (one review is here...others to come)
~Engaging in hand-to-hand combat with the enemy
~Losing the battle with a nasty cold/virus, as well as the one to get the house back in order
~Praising God that the year of the book fast is over. I made it! Funny, I still can't bring myself to buy anything.
~Trying to find the words to describe for you what God did in the pursuit of peace and simplicity in 2008.
~Mulling over what He's asking for 2009...Trust and Obedience.
~Praying that He will bring victories in my life that can be explained only as His doing. In particular, the deposit for the Peru mission trip due in the too near future. To be honest, I'm getting a little nervous about the trip itself, as well as the finances.
~Asking myself Are you willing to rest on a single foundation? Jesus plus something else does not double your security. It actually takes it away. The only security is Jesus plus nothing. (Trust: A Godly Woman's Adornment, by Lydia Brownback).

I'm going to try to get it together soon and actually write a post of substance.


Peggy said...

Blessings Melissa...It seems like God has directed your path because all these "things" instead of blogging seem highly valuable.

Waiting to hear words on what God did as you pursued your theme verse of peace & simplicity.

Marvel at your "book fast".

But mostly leaving this comment because I saw your comment at Joanne's and when I read your list,
I felt I needed to let you know that I will be praying & believing for your mission trip to Peru & all your provision for finances...may you find peace & victory in Jesus' Name...Vaya con Dios!(a new reader kinda)looking for more details on your trip...Hope you are feeling better.

Alana said...

I've been doing lost of things besides blogging, too. Thus my reason for not being by to visit more recently ;-)

The book fast is over? Wow! I loved following through your pursuit of peace and simplicity. Praying for things to work out for you to go Peru!

Heather C said...

Plenty of substance here... in reflecting on lessons learned, in learning the new ones... I always love coming here to find a new post. :) Looking forward to hearing how the Lord is going to speak to you on trust and obedience. When He does, we all benefit. How cool is that? :)