I'm going to Peru.
A foreign country. Have I ever mentioned that I took Latin in high school and college? That I dropped out of high school Spanish after a week, and can only count to 10?
I'm going to Peru.
Lord, why me? What can I possibly give to these people?
I'm going to Peru.
The deposit is paid, and I'm trusting God for the rest. I've seen how He's provided for my trip, and for R's trip to Mississippi next week. It's going to happen. I'm hopping a plane in just a few months, and I know I'll never be the same.
I'm tucking the list of 34 others in my Bible to begin lifting them before the Lord.
I'm praying about preparing the testimony He wants me to share.
I'm making lifestyle changes for my health.
He's got something in store, friends...and I don't want to miss it!

I am so stinkin' excited for you! Would you send me the dates so I can put them on my calendar. Cause I need to be just that practical so I'll pray when I say I will!
Love ya!
I took Latin in high school too! Three years. :)
I'm so excited for you! I can't wait to see how the Lord will use you and to hear all about your trip. Bless you for being faithful to His call!
Very exciting. Cannot wait to read more
I LOVE when God is up to something, and we get to go along for the ride!
Be brave :)
Praying for you, Melissa!
Our very good friends were missionaries in Peru for about three years. You can see their blog here: http://hferguson10.blogspot.com/
Perhaps you will be in their area and can meet some of the missionaries still there!
So excited to hear what God does in and through you because of your obedience in this area. I'll be praying, too! =)
~ Leah
Be prepared - lots of God-stops coming your way! Can't wait to read all about it.
What an amazing opportunity!! Best to you--
so amazing.
I can't even wait to see what God does with this!!!
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