Last week was the tough week of our shift rotation. R was working evenings, which meant that CJ only saw him in the mornings before school. The weekend was packed with the usually busyness that accompanies May, and Monday morning arrived without CJ spending a lot of time with her dad. This week, R's working day shift. Lucky him, he missed the Monday morning meltdown/yelling match. I was at my wit's end, ready to throw my hands in the air and just give her the house and leave (anyone else remember that episode of "The Cosby Show" when Cliff tells Claire that he realizes the kids have been battling them all these years because they wanted the house?).
The morning wrestling match and a long day at work exhausted me. After dinner, I sent R and CJ outside to play ball. I watched as R worked with her on her skills, gently teaching her the proper and better way to play. That 30 minutes of playing catch changed CJ's entire demeanor. She came in smiling and giggling. Having some quality, uninterrupted "Daddy time" made her world right again.
Time with my Abba does the same for me. A few minutes here or there may make me feel as though everything's okay. After all, I'm still seeing Him every day. I know He's there, and that He loves me. But I can't thrive without quality time...long talks and His gentle instruction on the proper and better way to live. When I spend that kind of time with Him, my perspective and attitude are changed. Meltdowns are less frequent. I smile and love more. The world around me knows that I, too, am a Daddy's Girl.
One thing I ask of the LORD, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to seek Him in His temple.- Psalm 27:4 (ESV)

What a sweet and tender post, Melissa! I'm a Daddy's girl, too... what a difference that one on One time makes in my demeanor as well. It brings much needed instruction and perspective. :)
This just simply made me smile.
Wow Melissa, well said. I'm really finding that truth to play out in my life today. The Seeking Him study is helping me to take that quality time with my Daddy, and it makes such a difference. I was just able to walk away from an offense that normally would have me jumping up and down and fighting back (making everything worse) and instead I'm just holding on to the Father. It's something I know, yet so often let slip away. Thanks for writing such a beautiful reminder to us all. Blessings!
No wonder you and Amber are both have a knack for seeing the spiritual truths in the ordinary moments of life!
Yep. And I look forward to chiming in soon w/comments for the Bible Study discussion. I ordered the book a bit late. I get it tomorrow, so a late start for me. Sorry about that.
Visit me at my blog anytime and leave a comment, so I'll know you were there.
This is just plain BEAUTIFUL! As I was reading along, I was thinking to myself, "Sounds like me when I haven't been spending time with MY Daddy." and then you totally WENT THERE... beautifully, wonderfully, and poignantly. Thanks, sis. Just what I needed.
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