I can't believe it's come down to the final week of preparation. Our team had our final meeting last night. It's really almost here.
I'm feeling the need for this week to be different. There's still work, home keeping responsibilities, and getting CJ to softball and tennis. R's working 12-hour shifts nearly every day. Life is crazy.
But amidst all the routine busy-ness, this week will be set apart. God's given me a beautiful acronym for how I should pray this week.
As I sought Scriptures this morning on preparing, I was asking God how exactly I can prepare any more for this trip. He's provided the finances (thank you, Jesus!), I've updated my shot records, gotten my passport from storage, and made all the arrangements at home that I possibly can at this point. Logistically, I feel well-prepared. Once again, He reminded me that the preparation's not up to me.
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. - Ephesians 2:10 (ESV)
God has already prepared the works. I am to walk in them. I declared 2009 to be the Year of Trust and Obedience...and I've learned a lot about trusting. Now it's time for the obedience. As I endeavor to obey Him in this mission, I know that I've got to be praying and seeking Him like never before. So, this week...
~No blog reading. The only blogging I'm doing is prayer requests
~No book reading, except my Bible and A Praying Life.
~No computer, except as absolutely needed to pay bills, email my itinerary to prayer partners (if you'd like it, please let me know), and provide updates here.
Those are the changes He's put before me so far. There may be more to come. In the meanwhile, I'm praying for eyes to see the works He's prepared. I don't want to miss a thing.
(Note: if you're new here, you can read about my trip by clicking on the label "The Mission" below.)
~No blog reading. The only blogging I'm doing is prayer requests
~No book reading, except my Bible and A Praying Life.
~No computer, except as absolutely needed to pay bills, email my itinerary to prayer partners (if you'd like it, please let me know), and provide updates here.
Those are the changes He's put before me so far. There may be more to come. In the meanwhile, I'm praying for eyes to see the works He's prepared. I don't want to miss a thing.
(Note: if you're new here, you can read about my trip by clicking on the label "The Mission" below.)

I've been thinking about you, knowing there is only one more week. Pls. send me your itinerary...I'd love to pray for you during your trip!
Oh, you know I want your itinerary! I'll be praying the whole time!
Missing you, but SO SO SO proud!
You're on my calendar. Know I'll be praying...
So much love,
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