Currently Reading:
~Feeling For Bones. A novel about a teenage girl struggling with anorexia that's both insightful and alarming.
~A Young Woman's Guide to Making Right Choices: Your Life God's Way with CJ. She's starting middle school in two weeks. We need this!
What's in Store:
~The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society for the 5 Minutes for Books Bookclub. I get the privilege of hosting this one, and I cannot wait. I love, LOVE, L.O.V.E. this book!
~William Henry is a Fine Name
~I Have Seen Him in the Watchfires
~First Things First: The Rules of Being a Warner because the real football season starts in just a couple of weeks. Even though Kurt Warner doesn't play for my beloved Steelers, I respect and admire him. I'm itching to get into this one!
What about you? What are you reading these days? Click over to 5 Minutes for Books and let us know what's on your nightstand.

I love getting ideas for what to read next. The blogs are such a good place for it, since all my bloggies are such fine folks. Thanks, Melissa.
I've always felt sorry that I sort of bombed out on the Seeking Him Together study. I think I need to be sitting in a circle of people in real time to do a study like this, I'm not computer savvy enough to find the responses of others and post mine in the right place etc. It was my first try at a blog Bible study, but I don't think I was technologically ready for it. I had just started blogging at the time.
Anyway, I always wanted to tell you that. I love your commitment to Jesus and how it pours through your blog.
I just finished Wintergirls about anorexia that was very powerful as well as disturbing. I will definitely check out Feeling For Bones.
Holy cow, Feeling for Bones must be a challenging read! I'm still seeking out a copy of Guernsey, so I'm HOPING to be part of the action!!
Feeling For Bones sounds...wild. I will be VERY curious for your thoughts on that one! Sounds intriguing.
Sounds like a great list of books! I am a huge football fan as well.. I need to look into reading the Kurt Warner book.
Books about the civil war always interest me. The two you have listed sound real good. I look forward to reading what you have to say about them.
I am going to try and read The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society this week for the bookclub.
Here is my Nighstand
The Kurt Warner book is the one that has me heading for Amazon, too. :)
Thanks, Melissa. I'm looking forward to reading it and participating in the discussion. ~ Holly
I really want to read The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society, but I haven't been able to get a copy of it from my library or PaperBack Swap.
I'm looking forward to it...
Happy reading!
I think everyone will have read Guernsey before me! Great list - have a good month.
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