What's your favorite Christmas tradition?
Individually - I love getting up in the morning, plugging in the tree and grabbing my coffee to spend time alone with my Jesus.
Family - Our Advent readings. (Although I must confess, we don't get to them every night.) I also love participating in our church's Angel Tree and Operation Christmas Child.
Church - Helping decorate the sanctuary, with people I love the most.
Maybe they're all the "churchy" answers, but I promise tomorrow won't be so serious!

I have come to love our church's Christmas Eve service where our pastors and elders read through portions of the Christmas story in scripture and Christmas hymns/carols are sung in between with Silent Night and a candle lighting at the end.
We also always decorate our tree the weekend after Thanksgiving while listening to the Oak Ridge Boys "Inconvenient Christmas" cd.
I cant think of a tradition that I do individually. With my daughter we make cookies together. With the whole family we go to look at lights and decorations. Church we are at a new church this year, but Im sure the Cantana is going to be awesome.
I think (and am honestly afraid!) that the only tradition I have ever had in life and ever will have is to do something different every single year of my existence!
We never lived close to family growing up and after getting married we did something different each year then to (both sides of the family). This is our first year to be home and be US so maybe we'll find something to turn into a tradition.
Mine is TOTALLY silly - but electing a Holiday Cheermeister among our extended family members to ensure there are no grinches at Christmas!
My husband worked away from home during the week while our son was growing up. When he came home on the weekend the three of us would have to make a mad dash for the stores to go Christmas shopping. We had the best times. If it was him and our son shopping I waited in the car. If it was our son and myself DH would wait in the car. He did the shopping in the city for our son. We made a hold day of it. The stores were about 80 miles away. We had breakfast on the way there, then stopped shopping just long enough for lunch, and got carry out for dinner on the way home. I miss those times. We even drove to the stores in the middle of blizzards because we had no choice.
We travel for the holiday but make sure we are always home Christmas Eve in order to wake up here on Christmas morning. I usually cook a big Christmas Eve supper and we eat in the dining room (!) with candlelight (!!). My husband will read Luke 2 and the past couple of years we've watched The Nativity Story.
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