According to the calendar, I am behind in my Bible reading plan. And I am right where He wants me to be.
Teach me your way...
Judges 2 & 3 - Israel wavers. When a judge is raised up, they obey. When there is no judge, they return to their sin. The Lord tests them.
Lord, give me a steadfast heart. Is this a time of testing? Am I being obedient?
...unite my heart to fear your name - Psalm 86:11 (ESV)
Lord, hear my cry. I plead for a heart that is solely focused on You.
...And they were utterly astounded, for they did not understand about the loaves, but their hearts were hardened. - Mark 6:51-52
Lord, even Your disciples suffered from hard hearts? Were there still breadcrumbs in their beards, the stench of fish clinging to their fingers when they cried out in fear as you tread across the water? How could they not see who You were? How can I not see who You are?
Now these things took place as examples for us...Now these things happened to them as an example, but they were written down for our instruction...1 Corinthians 10:6, 11 (ESV)
The Master, Creator of all things, has woven the day's teachings together in a beautiful array of Truth, spurring me one step closer...

You're quite right where He wants you to be, Melissa. God bless you.
It's pretty amazing even to note the "little" ways that God works for our good.
What a sweet thing!
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