11 months since we learned R would lose his job.
10 days without complaining, so far. Now that I'm being intentional about it, I realize just how much I do complain!
9 x 4 = 36, the number of items on my Amazon wishlist.
8 days until a family beach weekend, and I. cannot. wait.
7 loads of laundry done each week (approximately). I'm still loving the homemade detergent & our clothes line.
6 writing instruments on the table in my Bible study corner. Have you tried the new Sharpie pen? It's divine.
5 books I'm in the middle of - why do I do this to myself?
4 girls in my Sunday School class last weekend, and it was a blast!
3 weeks until R's fall break. We'll be taking a family trip to Washington, DC.
2 bushels of apples to preserve this weekend. I'm thinking apple sauce, apple pie, and apple butter. Yum!
1 month since R returned to college. It's been a hard month in many ways, but really good in others. How great is our God!