Winter clothes, and their heaviness, are stored away.
Many things that clutter our lives are finding new homes, giving us space to breathe.
I delight in little things.
... Lady Susan
...The West Wing: The Complete Second Season
...Rose bushes bursting with color that greet me each afternoon.
...The sweet aroma of cut grass.
...Leaves shooting forth from the cool soil, the first signs of our garden coming to life.
We are enjoying the simplicity of life, and I still marvel at that.
Next week, we'll mark the one year anniversary of R's final day of employment. I wonder, have I been faithful to share how very good God has been in this past year? Not just in this place, but in my day-to-day living as well. Have I proclaimed His sovereignty and grace and mercy?
I've been quiet around here for a while now. Words often seem to fail me, and I don't know if I'll ever find any to capture things that have been on my heart. Many days find me weary, at best. Yet I feel my heart stirring and waking from its slumber.
It is well with my soul.
Lovely words from a thankful heart, Melissa! How I delight to read what God is doing in the lives of fellow pilgrims. Simple is good, and I appreciate it more and more every day. I don't know the history of what your days have been like for the past year, but I praise God with you for His inexhaustible grace and the daily mercies He pours out on us. Thank you for the blessing of your post today.
Do you know I've never read Lady Susan? Must remedy that! :)
I've never read Lady Susan either. Or seen West Wing,
The little things of Spring are so delightful! Continue enjoying!
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