~Curling up under the covers with Rebecca. I'm reading it for the Classics Bookclub on August 4th. (Join us, won't you?). Last night, the creepy Mrs. Danvers gave me chills. I don't usually read Gothic fiction, but this book got me started.
~Some gorgeous summer weather lately. Temps have been bearable, and humidity has been low. That's my kind of July!
~Fresh grown tomatoes and cucumbers from our garden. My thumb is most definitely black, but I married a regular Farmer Jack (and I didn't even mean to rhyme!).
Looking forward to:
~Teaching the youth tomorrow night. Our youth director has started a series based on John MacArthur's book Twelve Ordinary Men. I'm teaching on Andrew, who has taught me a great deal.
~Meeting Lisa this weekend. There was NO WAY I was letting that girl get within two hours of me and NOT arrange a MIRL! I'm thinking it will involve lots of laughter and Starbucks.
~Some changes in my service to the Lord. R and I are both teaching Sr. High Youth Sunday School (he, the boys; me, the girls) starting in September. I'm also feeling drawn to a former ministry, and looking forward to a new opportunity. More to come on that later.
Thinking about:
~Making some changes (big and small) around the house. Having to completely gut our bathroom and closet has given me the itch to do more, as the budget will allow.
~How desperately my life needs more organization, yet how unmotivated I am to do anything about it right now.
~The big, huge, enormous apology I owe to the Seeking Him Together Bible Study group for letting things slide lately. I'm seriously hanging my head in shame.
~My cute man on the sofa...so I'm outta here!

I liked Rebecca too.
So you and Lisa got to meet up?? Tell all.
Jealous of your weather. its been nacky around here lately.
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