1. Tomorrow is FRIDAY! I'm taking CJ & a friend to Busch Gardens.
2. I found blogging! Thanks to Lisa Whelchel's website, I found Sarah's blog & I'm quickly becoming addicted! This is a great creative writing outlet!
3. I have a 4-day weekend coming up!
4. R. is finished with graveyard shift, so I get to cuddle with him again! I love CJ, but I'm tired of fighting her for the covers!
5. I made it to exercise class twice this week.
6. I had lunch with a friend who's moved to Memphis. She came home to visit her family, and we got to catch up over crab quiche and espresso cake.
7. My friend Kara killed a snake at my front door! Seriously. He was curled up on my front porch right beside the door. I stopped cowering behind the door long enough to grab the Swiffer so she could get him off the porch. (you had to see it to believe it!) Then I managed to gather my senses and get a hoe so she could kill it. (R. was conveniently at a ball game.) WAY TO GO, KARA! She's officially earned the nickname, "Snake Charmer"!
8. A 6-month old gave me his best toothless grin! My friend, Susan, has the cutest son. I just love to watch him smile!
9. I'm on a diet, & I didn't gain any weight even though I didn't stick to it (see #6). I didn't lose any weight, either...but there's always hope.
10. I got to see my sister, my niece & my nephew. A priceless luxury.
11. I was blessed to have 9 women in my home tonight for Bible study. We're brave enough to tackle a study on the Proverbs 31 Woman. We cried & laughed. I love it when the Holy Spirit shows up!
12. My boss' wife brought me a vase filled with gorgeous pink roses. This time of year, she does that every week (she has 44 rose bushes, and is a gardening diva!). Still, it always makes me feel so special!
13. R's promised me that I'll be able to use the back porch NEXT WEEK! I can hardly wait! I think he's procrastinated because he's afraid I'll never come back in the house! I'm not making any promises!
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