It's done! Well, not exactly all done. There is the small matter of my clothes & CJ's clothes. But they really need to wait until the weather cooperates (We're expecting a 30° temperature drop tomorrow).
R and I also finished the command center.
It's in my kitchen. The bench is for CJ's backpack, my purse, etc. There's a bin for each of us under the bench. We're using those for transitional items (library books or other things to return, things we're using right now but that don't need to be out in a pile somewhere).
The white bin on the wall is for CJ's papers that I need to read or sign. The containers on the shelf hold chalk, erasers, pencils, notepaper, and other sundries. As you can see, CJ's written notes for me. And she made me a birthday card a week early, so of course I proudly displayed it.
This is not the area for bills or paperwork that needs to be filed. I have a designated area in the office for that. The only paperwork I really want here is CJ's. Keeping up with school, softball & dance will be much easier.
One last organizing trick. I actually put this together a while back, but forgot to share a picture. I have a lot of necklaces, and really no dresser top space to display them. My jewelry box holds 6 necklaces, but I have many more. I decided to use a towel rack instead. R said it makes my necklaces look like art. What do you think?
There are several necklaces waiting to be hung back on it, so it's usually a little fuller and prettier.
You can see I've had a productive couple of days. It's been so rainy and windy here that I was glad I was able to stay home and get these projects done. Peace is becoming more of a reality every day.
This is a terribly long post, but I have to say thank you to Lauren and Helen for offering me "The Excellent Wife". In fact, Helen's so sweet...she's giving me hers. God is so good! I certainly didn't expect Him to answer in such a way. He continues to amaze me.
Thanks for sticking it out long enough to read this. Hope you have a wonderful Sabbath. I plan on it!
fabulous organizing! Give yourself a pat on the back for doing such a great job!!!!
Ooh, I love it! What a pretty shade of green behind your command center. I'm in the midst of Spring cleaning/organizing, too!
Wow! I love your commander center! I love the towel rack for the necklaces. And I certainly will not be letting my laundry room know that such beauty and organization can exist. I don't want it to feel bad, ya know. :)
Thanks for sharing these pics!
Melissa you did such a great job on the command center! Way to go, it's beautiful and so very organized!
Thanks for sharing your ideas and pictures. I love what you have done!
WOW! Your command center is awesome! I love that necklace holder. It is such a pretty way to display the necklaces and organize them.
You have really had a productive few months.
Wow! Looking at that makes me happy. I imagine it really makes you happy, too!
Everything is so lovely! I love the necklace idea, although I am afraid my three year would try and pull on them or my daughters might see it as their invitation to help themselves, which of course I would say, "go ahead".
You are inspiring me to get some areas organized.
Good job, Melissa! I wish I had your motivation to tackle a few problem areas around here. Maybe when the sun starts shining I'll feel like doing something. Come ON, spring!!
Oh, and I just gotta say that I love that you love Longaberger baskets!! =)
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