April 25, 2008

Catching My Breath

T.G.I.F. More specifically, T.G.I.F. and I'm going to be home this weekend! I've been gone the past two, and my house is suffering. I'm looking forward to a weekend spent mostly at home.

CJ has her first softball game tonight. Tomorrow morning is plant shopping. Sunday, of course, is church (and teaching Sunday School). The only other item on our agenda is a history project on Paul Revere. I'm planning to get things cleaned up and back to (somewhat) normal.

Since I made a conscious effort to slow down and simplify, I've found that I can't keep up the rat-race pace anymore. I used to flit around all the time, busy with whatever and rarely spending an entire Saturday at home. It didn't bother me that my house was a wreck and laundry was everywhere.

Now, I can't handle it. I've got to do something about it (unless I'm curled up on the couch with a good book...ahem).

I'm behind on everything, even my reading for the Lux Venit Reading Group. But I hope to catch my breath this weekend, and post my thoughts on Chapters 4 & 5 by Monday. (By the way, I just won a book from Leslie @ Lux Venit! God is outdoing Himself these days!)

In the meanwhile, I'm going to enjoy a hot dog at the ballpark, the 75° weather, a stroll through my favorite garden center, and putting my house back in order.

Have a great weekend.


Deidre said...

What a cool lesson - when you follow God's leading and go on a sabbatical from buying books, He showers you with more. I love that.

Enjoy your weekend!

Alyce said...

Hey girl...
Isn't it wonderful to be home on a Saturday!! We need to take the girls clothes shopping. I told Sam I'd rather go tomorrow , so I could nap on Sunday since its going to be rainy!!
My laundry too is piled up!! I get in cooking spells sometimes and things fall behind.
Have a blessed weekend..See you Sunday!
OH..enjoy plant shopping..seems we've done a lot of that lately...but its sooo expensive! I did more today!!

His Girl said...

I'm home on this saturday, too! totally looking forward to a day off myself.

I've noticed that odd bypass myself... my simplified house really looks weird when it's messified. I can't rest til it's done.

I LOVE that!

Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said...

Enjoy your beautiful weekend and thank you for this insightful post

Lisa said...


I'm with you on needing to be home. I probably am a little too attached to my routine, but there's comfort and order in it.

God is so faithful! Congrats on winning the book.