September 9, 2008

Food for Thought

Breathe: Creating Space for God in a Hectic Life by Keri Wyatt Kent is going to be another life-changer! The introduction spoke volumes to me already.

...the pace of our lives has profound implications upon the depth of our lives...It's not just that hurry makes us stressful. It's that when we hurry, we lose touch with God and all He wants to give us. [slowing down the pace] allows you to be fully present, to be mindful, to be intentional, to create space, and to notice where God is working and join Him in that work.
(emphasis mine)

What I've known all along, but couldn't articulate.

There's good stuff coming my friends...and you know I'll be sharing it with you!


Mary said...

I have the book, I just haven't read it yet. Along with about a dozen others. I can't seem to get organized enough to find time to read. Oh my I'm a mess.

much2ponder said...

Maybe I need to get that book because I agree whole heartily with the quote. I know that when I slow down and separate myself from the chaos in my life, that is when I can truly hear the whisper of God.

Kate said...

It's not something we Americans excel at it is it? So easy to fill our time with busy-ness.


Lisa Spence said...

Looking forward to the good stuff to come!

Kimberly said...

I love that book!! It really ministered to me. I HIGHLY recommend it!