~One of the crazier weeks of my life. Spent one evening in the children's hospital an hour away visiting our niece who has meningitis and my best friend's 3-month old daughter who's got a terribly high fever. The rest have been filled with Vacation Bible School. It's been good, but exhausting.
~The demolition that just doesn't seem to be moving as fast as I want it to! After the tear-out, we found more damage than we originally expected. I'm grateful that R has the gifts to handle it.
Looking forward to:
~A long weekend at the beach with friends we don't see nearly enough.
~Getting off the treadmill for a while. Summer has not been as quiet as I had hoped. The next couple of weeks should offer a short-lived reprieve before school starts.
~Putting some organization back in my life. This demolition has given me the motivation to finally tackle some home projects that we've been avoiding. PLUS the amount of things I had to take to my attic when we hurriedly emptied the closet made me realize that I need to do a LOT more purging!
~How beautiful my new bathroom's going to look. We've decided to make some changes to the layout and put in a new type of flooring and shower.
~The Girl Talk Bookclub
~Teaching the Sr. High Girls' Sunday School class come September.
~Getting back into the choir. CJ is old enough to sit by herself now, so I'm joining R in the choir again.
~A new ministry opportunity that I can't share about quite yet (but I promise, I will!)
~Vacation Bible School. Even though it's tiring, we have some amazing youth and it's my privilege to be on the teaching team for them.
~Starbucks Coffee Ice Cream.
~Some much-needed quality time with my man lately.
~To get back in the blogging groove sometime
~That middle school will be better than I expect it to be
~To finish the Seeking Him study soon

1 comment:
The beach? Sounds wonderful! A ministry opportunity? Can't wait to hear all about it! The girltalk bookclub? Plan to be there myself!
Love you, girl!
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