That's the number of days before my husband will be officially unemployed. When he walks out the door for the last time, he'll be saying goodbye to more than 15 years of service with this company.
We are ready.
At least we think we are. We can see the edge. Slowly, deliberately, we inch forward, getting into position. Poised to dive at his command. As we draw nearer to the precipice, I'm overwhelmed. No longer with fear or trepidation. No trace of anger or grief. It is the goodness of the Lord that floods my soul.
We steel ourselves and try desperately not to flinch. I seek to calm the adrenaline, the eagerness and anxiety pumping through my veins. One false move could be disastrous. It is imperative that these final paces are in sync with Him.
I pray and I listen. I watch and I learn. These are the last steps of our old life.
And, one by one, I will share them here.

Praying for you.
It can be so hard to leave it in His hands.
You sound excited about it (in a good way!) Not that this is a tremendously happy moment, but that you anticipate and are still watching and waiting.
My heart smiled over this post!
Still praying for you my friend.
Please know that I'm lifting you and your precious family up with MUCH prayer!
We are now 4 months into our journey of my husband looking for a job...and I'm so comforted in knowing that 'nothing'...catches God by surprise!
He WILL carry you in the palm of his hand and his NEXT...we blow your socks off!!!
I'm continuing to pray for you and can't wait to see the marvelous works of Our God in your family's life!!
"There are greater things to come, and there are greater things to be done..."!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love the word picture of being "poised to dive at His command." Glory to God, He is good and He is sovereign and His commands are not burdensome! They are for our good and His glory! I continue to eagerly wait to see His goodness and His glory revealed in you and to you...
I'll be thinking of you!
My prayers are with you and your family.
Wishing you resilience and luck in these hard times.
God will be there to catch you. Praying for you...
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