...but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength;they shall mount up with wings like eagles;they shall run and not be weary;they shall walk and not faint.~Isaiah 40:31 (ESV)
My fingers ache. Nails, bitten practically to the quick, taunt me. Visible proof of my impatience. Autumn and winter, usually beloved, were harsh this year. The wait has been long, oppressive at times.
And I am weary.
Today, Lord, I pray for patience. I confess that I am tired of waiting. Your Word promises renewed strength for those who wait upon you. Oh, how I need that strength! I pray for grace to take captive any thought that is contrary to your Word, your goodness & faithfulness. Steady my mind on the good, the noble, the trustworthy. Remind me that You are the creator of time, and it is Your privilege alone to bring this wait to conclusion. Lord, I praise you that this temporary state is nothing compared to eternity! Even so, I am weary. I know I cannot endure the waiting without You. Rain down Your presence in my life today. Amen, and amen.

Christ in you sweet friend; your hope of glory!
I pray that when Melissa and her sweet family get on the other side of this trial, that they will come out shining like stars in the universe as they tell of your great might and power! Bless them Lord beyond anything they can even imagine! Make a way for them in the desert and make the path straight for them.
May you receive all the glory, honor and praise for the things YOU are going to do in this sweet family's life!!
I've had several friends who have dealt with unemployment over the last year. I've been encouraged to see how God has been working in and through them through it...and believe that He will do the same for you and your husband. Doesn't make it "fun" though!
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