I look for reasons to rejoice.
~Spring Break.
~A weekend visit with dear friends refreshes us.
~The mailbox will soon be bulging with seeds. We are planning our biggest garden yet.
~A box of books will also be arriving, including Nine Marks of a Healthy Church
~In the meantime, it's still cool enough to snuggle in under a quilt and read Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy
~My husband declares that he can't put down a book he's reading. I can't help but smile at those strange words coming from his lips.
~Studying Philippians with sisters in Christ. It humbles, convicts, and makes me even more thankful for grace.
~Piano notes string together to become beautiful songs. I thank God for the gift He's given my girl.
~We read the Gospels after dinner, prepare our hearts for the Easter season.
~In the midst of some heavy complications and heartbreaks, God is pouring out His love. He is using some extremely difficult circumstances to teach, sharpen, and convict. He is breaking me. I remind myself to Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. (James 1:1-3, ESV)
~I determine to celebrate the life inside the boundary lines God has placed around me, rather than constantly seeking to go outside of them. Not content to just stay inside those lines, I'm renewing my quest to find margin. I'm giving a lot of thought to the overload in my life, including my online presence. What that means for this space, I'm not quite sure. I am sure that some changes are in order, and I'm praying for His grace to make them.
Well, I think that's the way life is. We keep learning and readjusting the boundary lines in various seasons as demands of life creep in and things change. Because things are ALWAYS in a state of flux and so it stands to reason that what works for a time will soon change. It's about staying alert to follow as lead in any given moment.
BTW, love your background. The lemons just look so cozy and homey!
I'm eager for the change, for spring to spring, to see the daffodils pop up in our backyard and the forsythia explode with yellow.
Allergies, yes. But, sunshine and open windows, too.
Much to rejoice in! Good books, a new garden, Bible study, music... thanking the Lord with you for these (and more) blessings in your life!
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