Books lie nearly forlorn on my nightstand.
Since last month
I've completed:
~Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy
~Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet
~The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie: A Flavia de Luce Mystery
I've tried:
~The Sisters from Hardscrabble Bay. I didn't get past the first few pages. I had looked forward to this one, but I could not get past the repetitious foul language.
~Reading Lolita in Tehran: A Memoir in Books
~Mansfield Park (audio). I love the story of Fannie Price, but I'd rather read it than listen to it. I prefer to listen to narrative stories, rather than one person tackling many character's voices in dialogue.
I've picked up:
~The Rural Life
I'm still reading:
~A Place for Weakness: Preparing Yourself for Suffering
And soon I'll start:
~Soul Surfer: A True Story of Faith, Family, and Fighting to Get Back on the Board
~The Organized Heart: A Woman's Guide to Conquering Chaos
Visit 5 Minutes for Books to see what others are reading this summer.
I loved Mansfield Park. A lot of people don't like Fanny Price. I could never understand that.
Here is mine
Looks like some good reads!
Enjoy your July reading!
Completing Bonhoeffer should count for a whole season of reading. I want to read it, but am still too intimidated by its size. So I’m taking the lazy way out and just reading what others say about it. :-)
Glad you’re sticking with A Place for Weakness. It’s worth it. I’d like to read Soul Surfer now that I saw the movie. Quite inspirational. And I’d love to read The Organized Heart too. Keep hearing good things about that one.
Always love seeing your list, Melissa!
Poor neglected books!!
I really want to get to the Flavia books at some point.
I've been reading so much less than usual so far this summer, too. Sigh.
I've heard wonderful things about both your "Sweet" books, so I hope to read them at some point.
Happy summer!
-Dawn, 5M4B
Well, if CJ asked you to read something with her, I guess ya better, huh!?
Just keep mentioning Place for Weakness until I get it, ok?
And I smiled at all of your top "hurrah - glad I read it!" picks. Yes, Jennifer, you ought to pick up Flavia. She IS a delight!
You've been reading plenty! I don't think I've read more than Horton's A Place for Weakness in the last month. I'm glad I had the book discussion to focus on with that book, otherwise I do find I read books way too quickly and then I forget them too easily. Glad you're taking it slow.
I also need to finish reading The Organized Heart. I started this a few months back. I think with all the planning I need to do for my summer holiday having an organized heart will be essential!
God bless you!
Wow! What a list! I can realistically only tackle a book or so a month. I've skimmed The Organized Heart. It looks great! (It's still on my list of books to formally read, but I only got it as an ebook, and I have a harder time reading that format.)
Thanks for stopping by my blog to read my review of The Next Story, and for your encouraging comment!
Happy Reading!
Mansfield Park is my least favorite Austen novel, but maybe that's just me. I'll be interested to hear your thoughts!
And you know how I love Flavia. I just read the second and third in the series and enjoyed them.
The Organized Heart is great! And I've got March on my wishlist...
Happy Reading!
I'm passing along the Versatile Blogger Award to you....because you have one very ♥sweet♥ blog! =)
Poetic opening - at first I thought I was reading the wrong post! Sounds like you are still making good progress though.
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