May 7, 2007

I Feel So Validated

I've been reading JenMom's observations on the book "Sacred Parenting" by Gary Thomas. I've got to get this book! Especially after reading this quote.

So, I don't feel guilty for ignoring housework this weekend to go to an amusement park & spend an hour & 1/2 waiting in line with CJ to ride this. That wait was the best part of the day! We played "21 Questions" and some other word games, chatted, teased each other, and hugged. On the ride, we screamed together and laughed our heads off. When we got off, I looked at her & said, "This was totally worth it!" and she agreed.

Season Passes - $$
Gas & Food - $$
Time spent laughing with my daughter - PRICELESS.



Anonymous said...

What a sweet post! You are a great Mom to ride that thing with your daughter! I'm not brave enough to do that. Glad you had such a good time.

Girl Raised in the South said...

I've heard this author also has Sacred Marriage, and when my book fast is done, I'd like to grab that one.