January 23, 2009

Friday's Fave Five

This is my first time participating in Susanne's weekly meme, Friday's Fave Five. It looks like fun!

My favorite 5 things this week:

1. God's Provision of the deposit for my Peru trip! He came through in a BIG WAY!

2. Pumpkin Muffins. We ate many of them right away, but I was able to stash some away in the freezer so we can enjoy them in our lunch boxes.

3. Girls' Night in with CJ tonight. R is working, so we're having Chinese and watching this.

4. Reese's 100 Calorie Wafers. Excellent!

5. Moroccan Pomegranate Red Rooibos Tea. Divine!

So, there you have it. I'm not going to even stop to think about the fact that 2 of my 5 are food. Sigh...

You can visit Susanne to see what's on everyone else's list. If you create your own, let me know!


Susanne said...

Hello Melissa and welcome! Love your list. That tea sounds wonderful. Perfect for the cold day it is here today! Praise God for His provision!

Jill said...

Love your list...with the way my week went, all five of mine would probably have been food. (as I sit here waiting for Greek gyros to be delivered for lunch!). I have been meaning to ask you for the pumpkin muffin recipe, so thanks for the link. And what a huge PRAISE for your Peru trip. God is so good. Enjoy your weekend.

Jerralea said...

Have a wonderful girls night in! I love those kind of nights, but alas! my girls are all at the age that they are hardly ever home!

Welcome to the 5, and nice to meet you!

Anonymous said...

Well your speaking my love language with all that food :0)
Enjoy and have a great weekend...

Alana said...

I love your fave five! Especially God's provision for your Peru trip deposit...AWESOME!!!!