July 12, 2006

Bedtime Conversation

Many of the blogs I read are from moms with children in the middle of the "why" years. With CJ going into third grade (WOW...still can't believe that!), I thought we were well past all that. Oh, boy was I wrong!

Bedtime conversation in our house last night:

CJ: Mom, when people get married, why do they start kissing with their mouths open?

Me (scrambling to get out the door as quick as my size 8's would carry me): They just do. I love you. Now go to sleep!

Admittedly, I'm a coward. But I'm NOT READY for this!


Toni said...

My 5-year-old recently has seen a movie a few times where the lead girl and boy kiss at the end. It's a fairly tame kiss, but a bit more than a tight-lipped peck. When it got to that part yesterday, Madeline said, "This part kinda scares me." It took a moment before I realized she was trying to articulate that the kiss made her nervous. I shouldn't have gotten the movie for her in the first place. They grow up too fast.

Mama Duck said...


PastormacsAnn said...

That would be tough to explain at any age!

Kelli said...

might want to start investing in two sided tape for those throw rugs now.


Heather Hansen said...

ha ha ha!

sobeit said...

Oh...that was a good one! :0


Girl Raised in the South said...

The scary part is that if we don't tell them someone else will. And who knows what that version will be?! It IS a scary subject to broach...