February 12, 2009

The Week in Highlights

I'm not just learning to trust. There are some fun things happening around here lately.

~After 13 months, I ended the book fast. I couldn't believe how long I agonized over buying two books. I looked and looked for a third so I could get free shipping, but couldn't find anything that I could justify buying right now. That, my friends, is ALL GOD! If you're wondering what I bought...well, it was this and this.

~CJ's more than halfway through the 5th grade. Next year, my girl will be a middle-schooler. Wow! and Ugh! all at the same time. She set an academic goal for herself at the beginning of the year, and she's halfway to achieving it. R and I are so proud of her!

~Although the girls' Bible study has ended, I'm still having a great time with them. They're hoping for a weekend retreat, so I'm trying to work it out.

~I've gotten my reading mojo back. After a recent reading struggle, I wasn't sure I could convince myself to ever read again. Yeah, right.

~Girls' night out at a Japanese steakhouse. It's always nice to get away with the girls for a bit, even if Starbucks was closed! Maybe next time, Alyce!

~I've been talking so much about Peru, that I think I've forgotten to tell you that R is heading back to Waveland, Mississippi. Can you believe they're still rebuilding after Hurricane Katrina? I'm so thankful my husband feels called to this mission...it's certainly his gift.

~In an effort to be healthier and thinner before I leave for Peru, I've enlisted the help of my own personal trainer, R. He's been such a blessing, encouraging me and showing me the best way to exercise. Just another item to put on the long, long list of reasons I love this man!

I need to keep my nose to the grindstone at home this weekend, but I'll be back next week to share even more about trusting.


mer@lifeat7000feet said...

I have trouble buying books too, Melissa. They just seem so "expendable". I don't have tons that I love to re-read. (And lucky for me, my husband brings tons of books home as one of the perks of his job!)

My daughter is finishing up 5th grade too. Today is her last elementary school party. Wow. Next year I'll have TWO middle schooler. Oh my.

Have a great rest of the week! I admire your resolve to get fit.

His Girl said...

It's so strange when you look up and realize how quickly time is flying. The other day I was filling paperwork out for my son and it sunk in that he's in HIGH SCHOOL next year.


Headed to a Japanese steakhouse myself today. can't.even.wait.

blessings on your day, amiga!

Leah said...

Sounds like you have been a busy girl lately, but doing some fun things. Good book choices, too. I have NOT read either of them, but they've been placed in my path a few times very recently. Book reviews to follow??

Heather C said...

I'm reading the Piper book too... and LOVING it. Completely!

As for the exercise - you go, girl! I wish I had me a personal trainer! God love your hubby :)